Announcement- A Finalist In Two International Award Programs

Posted by Lauren Minicozzi on

Two years ago, I decided to make a change.

I was sick of getting out of bed every morning with this growing hate towards myself. I hated the way I looked. I hated the way I felt. I hated the person I had become.

Constantly comparing myself to the Instagram models I wanted to become so badly. Continually wishing I was someone else. Anyone else but myself.

Fast forward to today, where I have now done what I had set out to achieve. The comments, messages and feedback I have had from this book has made my journey worth it. 

Today I sat in bed and as I checked my emails I received one from a particular organisation. Initially, I was deflated as I read the word 'finalist'. That inner voice taking control and allowing myself to feel like this was not an achievement I had to recognise.

...Finalist... that means nothing... second best... not good enough to be first... pretty much a participation award... embarrassing...

That inner voice telling me it was not good enough to be a finalist and to celebrate I had to be a winner. This could have taken me on a different path. I could have allowed myself to believe these thoughts and be upset and disheartened with the award I had received. But I didn't as what good would have come from that?

Instead, I congratulated myself. I came back to the initial reason why I wrote this book. It was never for fame. Fortune. Status. It was to make a difference. To highlight to others that they are not alone and they should not be embarrassed for their past actions or their recent experiences. Every step you make, whether this is forward, back or to the side, every step will teach you something. It is up to you as to where you allow it to take you. Will you allow it to help you grow or will you allow it to hold you back?

I am excited and PROUD to announce that 'A Journey To Health- a body does not define you' was named a finalist in two separate award programs.

Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist

The largest International awards program for indie authors and independent publishers. A Journey To Health was a finalist for YOUNG AUTHOR (Written by under age 25).


National Indie Excellence® book Award

The prestigious National Indie Excellence Book Award.  A Journey To Health was a finalist within the well-being category.

This award recognises excellence in all aspects of the final presentation, NIEA champions self-publishers and the independent presses who produce the highest quality books across a spectrum of metrics. Established in 2005, NIEA’s entrants are meticulously judged by experts from various facets of the book industry profession including publishers, writers, editors, and designers.

Winners and Finalists are determined on the basis of superior written matter coupled with excellent presentation in every facet of the final published product. Jurors value the synergy of both content and form as they review entries spanning multiple genres. 

This brings me back to acknowledging every achievement. No matter how little they may seem, each step is worth recognition as it provides an opportunity for growth.

My mission. To make a change. To help society start to love themselves again. 

A journey to health was not created for fame. It was not created for fortune. It was created to make an impact. To make a difference. To show society they are not alone. To help reshape the lives of future generations and remove the toxic road that is so commonly taken.

It was written in order to empower those who may be struggling to open up. To reach out. To not give up. That there is hope. It is possible to heal your relationship with yourself and end the internal suffering. You can end this self-destructive path.

I hope this book inspires you to realise how important life is and how important you are. You are enough. You are worthy. 

To place your order- head over to and share with anyone you know who will benefit from this book.

$1 from every book sold will be donated to the Butterfly Foundation.

Together we can start changing lives and creating the change that needs to happen.

Love Lauren xx

loveyourbody rawisbeautiful self love

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